Bring the Legal Marketing Haiku to your Website

haikuHaiku can be both fun and challenging. Distilling something seemingly complex down to 17 little syllables forces you to look at the essence of the subject and may help you to see it in a new light. Applying this art form to legal marketing is an exercise in focusing your attention on the core of what you do and how you help clients.

The legal marketing haiku was introduced by...

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Social Media Marketing for Attorneys: Make Your Clients’ Choices Easy

A recent article on points out a growing disconnect between what marketing and business executives think consumers want and what those consumers actually want when it comes to interacting with companies online. While business leaders talk of building a community and engaging users, most consumers are just interested in getting some sort of perk or discount for following companies online. Being a part of a community is not their top priority.

This presents a unique challenge...

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Content’s New Role in Law Firm Marketing

There is a growing misconception in the legal marketing industry that social networks are becoming more important than creating new content. However, this is not the case at all. Social networks are powered by content.

What is changing is the content itself. Whereas the online marketing strategies of the past involved producing a lot of long, extensive articles and content pieces, the new law firm marketing strategy is about more, shorter pieces of content. But this presents challenges of...

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The Type on Your Law Firm’s Website is an Important Graphic Element

A good lawyer website has many things in balance. Relevant content, search-friendly graphics and headlines, responsive interactive elements, intuitive navigation, and an overall look and feel that is both distinct and able to connect with potential clients. Much of what is relevant to both search engines and people in need of legal services is the words on the page. Content is still king.

Since attorney websites must often utilize large amounts of copy for online marketing purposes, the way...

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The Right Law Firm Marketing Budget

We get a lot of calls each week from lawyers that are upset with their current legal marketing company. These calls generally go something like this.

“I can’t take this company that I’m working with any longer. I had them build my website about one year ago and I’ve been paying them month after month to do search engine work and nothing is happening.” The lawyer goes on to explain how they have spent a fortune on the website but...

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Does Your Law Firm’s Website Really Work?

Many law firms see their website as a necessary expense whether it is just there to service existing clients or bring in new accounts. A law firm's website is necessary. But it should be an asset, not an expense.

Online marketing is unlike any other form of marketing. Television, print, Yellow Pages, radio, they all come down to one thing – getting someone to call your firm. You show the ad, hope that it reaches the right person, and...

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Shopping for a Bigger Law Firm

With parties, travel, holiday planning and shopping taking the top slots in your priority list it is important to also use this time of year to establish a law firm marketing plan for 2012.

December is by far the busiest time of year for us because law firms use the traditionally slower month to look at their online marketing and see how their current strategy has played out. Is there more traffic? More exposure? More phone calls? Is there a...

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Autumn is the Best Time to Upgrade Your Legal Marketing

As the humidity vanishes from the air and the leaves begin to change, lawyers should also look at their legal marketing strategy. What you do in the next three months can lay the foundation for a stronger 2012 with a fresh marketing plan.

A strong marketing strategy will more than likely begin with a new website. A custom or semi-custom website has a month or so of development time required before launching. This means that if you want to see...

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