HTTPS is taking over Google search results: Are law firms keeping up?

HTTPS is taking over Google search results: Are law firms keeping up?

It's been two years since Google announced that a secured (HTTPS) connection was a minor ranking signal. While most websites that conduct transactions or have user registrations and other features that involve processing data already utilize an HTTPS connection, law firms rarely do.

HTTP vs HTTPS Simplified

By default your website is accessible via an HTTP connection. With an SSL certificate, you can change your prefix from HTTP to HTTPS. An HTTPS connection adds an extra level of encryption between the...

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In Search of the Missing Links: How 30,000 links were lost then found.

In Search of the Missing Links: How 30,000 links were lost then found.

When a client with a robust link portfolio and growing rankings informed me that their links had disappeared, I almost dismissed it as another Google Search Console error.

The law firm's link portfolio has more than 30,000 links from about 400 domain names. Google Search Console generally reports about 350 of those linking domains.

They can also expect about 1,000 clicks each month to be reported in Search Console. You can understand why they were concerned when they logged...

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A review of Google’s 2014 algorithm changes – Part 2

searchIn our last post, we reviewed the algorithm changes Google released during the first half of 2014. Here, we will take a look at the changes in the second half of the year, as compiled by Moz:

August 6, 2014 - HTTPS/SSL Update
Google updated their algorithms to give a boost to secure sites. According to Google’s announcement, the initial boost in rankings started out small, but may be...

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