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4 Ways to Make Your Law Firm’s Website Deliver More Leads

You have less than 10 seconds to keep your visitors on your website. If visitors stay, they might become leads. If they leave, they probably won’t come back.
Your site represents your firm 24/7. Make the right first impression.
A bad first impression can be caused by anything from an unimpressive design to a website that lacks a cohesive, clear story. Want to keep your visitors around so they don’t move on to your competitors’ websites? Follow these 4 for steps!

Keep an active and up-to-date blog

Before your future client is ready to contact your firm, they will be doing their own research about the legal topic in which they are involved. You need to be prepared by being the practitioner whose website provides the answers they are looking for.

Consider specific questions your potential clients may be searching for on Google, and write blog posts addressing these questions. As a general rule, the more specific the content, the more effective it will be in addressing the nuanced needs of those who seek help. Write content that is informative and that solves problems, such as “how-tos” and client FAQs, but remember to advise that getting help from a lawyer is a good idea. When they are ready to seek counsel, you’ve created the best chances that you’ll be the lawyer they turn to.

Keep your blog updated as frequently as possible. Your site will receive higher rankings on Google if it is active, and users will understand that you are concerned with their needs and that you are engaged in current events that pertain to your practice area

If you are struggling to come up with new content, you can write a shorter version of a press release and publish it as a blog post, as long as the content is unique. Additionally, Google may eventually associate your name with a particular subject if you post about the same topics, so don’t be afraid to take an old post, refurbish it to make it more engaging, and re-publish it.

Clearly brand your practice and
use your website to tell a story

Your website provides your future clients’ first impression of you and your firm, and in doing such, it needs to implement content and design strategies that together help create an authentic story about who you are and with which they can gain an emotional connection.

Ask yourself how you differ from your competitors, and what emotion you want your clients to feel when they are working with you. One simple way to evoke those ideas in your website is by using a consistent tone in the language of your blog posts, FAQs, bio pages and everything in between. You can back up the narrative you have created by frequently posting in your blog and being engaged in social media — this tells prospective clients you are actively involved in helping people navigate the complexity of your legal field by extending helpful information on a weekly basis online.

Don’t forget about the power of design. Good design is a harmonious intersection between form and function.

Your site should promote essential points about your practice through effective visual communication; the design should set the aesthetic stage for your written, visual and interactive content to shine.

Use Interactive Content

Interactive content increases the ways your visitors gather information about you. More interaction means you are making a greater impact on your visitors, and builds on the emotional connection you have begun to establish with the written and visual content on your site. Interactive features can vary in complexity, from polls, to quizzes to videos, and each has a distinct way of achieving SEO goals.

Polls and surveys are valuable tools that serve a dual purpose: visitors are given the opportunity to provide their feedback on the effectiveness of your website, which can then help you implement any necessary changes to improve your site’s usability and clarity. A quiz engages users in a fun way that doubles as an educational tool to inform them about an area of law in which they are interested.

People are more likely to forget reading information they found in a generic FAQ than something they learned through taking an interactive quiz. Using quizzes can also help your website stand out from those of your competitors and help prospective clients remember you.

Videos are one of the most effective forms of online communication, and can make your prospective clients get to know and trust you. In addition to providing educational information in clear and concise terms, a video provides a means for an attorney to demonstrate his or her oral communication skills and persuasive abilities, as well as their visible concern for helping clients. With videos, distribution is easy and usually free, and if the quality is there, it can get to large audiences through its shareability on social media.

Showcase your experience and quality of service

Prospective clients are looking for lawyers with plenty of experience and success stories under their belt. In order to assure them that they will be in good hands, consider not only the list of achievements itself, but also the ways you can showcase that information effectively on your site.

Rather than hide it on your Bio page, information about your firm’s successes and experience should be shown as a salient feature on your homepage so that visitors can be immediately impressed with your achievements upon landing on your site. You can also transform text into visual interactive content so that site visitors may consider each achievement or promise of service alongside images or graphics, making for a more impactful experience.

User-generated content is often more trusted by users than brand-generated content, which is why inviting clients to share their own experiences with your firm is a good idea.

Client success stories featured on your website can validate the narrative on your site by providing first-hand accounts of their positive experiences with your firm.

Together, these strategies will provide prospective clients with all the best reasons to trust you, and ultimately, lead to more conversions.

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