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We Help Your Firm. Not Your Competitors.

Would you represent a client that is working against your other clients? Neither would we.


Exclusive Law Firm Marketing. No Competition™.

Are you tired of your search engine optimization company helping your competitors rank higher than you in your own backyard? You should be. Custom Legal Marketing is not a one-size-fits-all boxed solution. We are a custom solution. We have conversations with you and your team. We learn about your clients. We create an effective marketing strategy tailored for your firm and only your firm.

It's time to drop your marketing company and get a marketing partner.

Exclusive SEO

We commit to one law firm per practice area per city. We are only working for you.

Competition Beware

We love competition… not competitors. We are aggressively working for only your firm.

Full Disclosure

Our client portfolio is always available for review.

[no cheating]
Realistic Promises

Some law firm marketing companies are telling attorneys like you that they can get them on the first page of Google. They are also telling 30 of your competitors the exact same thing. Somebody is getting lied to. Don't let it be you. As an exclusive marketing company, we can promise to work hard and dedicate our efforts to your success. We are not helping your local competition, we are only on your side.

Get a Marketing Plan

Search Engine Marketing Plans That Work

Link Espionage
We use your competitors to discover valuable links for you.

Content Development
Our writers develop captivating content that gets visitors and links.

Local Reviews
We have strategies to boost your local reviews.

Visual Lures
Our creative team creates visual content for link bait and social media.

Data Driven
We watch your competition and visitors, and capture data that powers your campaign.

PPC Management
We are Google Partners with Adwords certified PPC managers.

Your firm can get promoted on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and other popular sites.

Email Marketing
Our email strategy goes far beyond newsletters and subscribers.

Never Stale
We are always developing fresh new strategies.

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