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How Many Visitors Use Mobile Devices to Visit Law Firm Websites?

You hear a lot of talk about how mobile visitors are making up high percentages of web traffic. Some websites are reporting over 50% of their traffic coming from phones and tablets. So we wanted to know what percentage of visitors on law firms' websites were using mobile devices. Then we wanted to see how this demographic compared with the global average.

Data Sample

  • Our study was conducted based on a pool of 1.5 million visitors.
  • The visitors were visiting law firm websites in the United States.
  • The law firms represent various practice areas.
  • Law firm website data reflects all of 2013.
  • Global stats were provided by Statcounter based on February 2014 statistics.


What We Learned

  • Visitors to law firm's websites are ahead of the global average when it comes to browsing on mobile devices.
  • Almost 75% of visitors to lawyers' websites use a desktop.
  • Over 25% of visitors on lawyers' websites use a mobile device.
  • Law firm web traffic is 2% higher than the global average.
  • Mobile is definitely on the rise both globally and for lawyers.
  • A considerable leap was made between October 2013 and February 2014 on the global stats. In October, mobile usage made up just 14% but in February 23.51%.

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