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Click-to-Call Can Easily Boost Your Mobile Conversions

mobile search for lawyersMost people who need a lawyer want to speak with them as soon as possible. They don’t want to spend time filling out a form; today, people want things as instantly as possible. That culture accounts for the high number of smartphones now in use. To add convenience to your site, allow potential clients to tap a phone number and call your firm right away.

User behavior has changed. Many of your visitors are now viewing your website on a mobile device. In 2013, we conducted a study showing that more potential clients call your law firm than use an online contact form. The report provided insight into the ways in which lead generation is changing for law firms.

In our report, you’ll find that calls increased and contact form use decreased in part because of an increase in mobile access to sites. When navigating with a small smartphone screen, a user is more inclined to click and call than to attempt to type into a form.

Ultimately, lead generation is the goal for any legal marketing tactic. Make sure it is as easy as possible for mobile users to call you by enabling click-to-call.

How to enable click-to-call

  • 1) Make sure your phone number is displayed in plain text (and not in or as an image) on your site. If your phone number is currently within a picture, have your website manger make a change.
  • 2) Then, just add a hyperlink. The format will be slightly unusual: instead of typing a URL like “”, type a phone number like “tel:123-456-7890”. Here is an example: <a href="tel:555-555-1212">555-555-1212</a> After adding the link, users on mobile devices will be able to tap on your number. Clicking will open the phone software on their device and allow them to start the call.

With call-to-click ratios as high as 15-1, easier calls mean higher conversion rates.