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Timing Your Twitter Updates May Yield More Re-tweets

FollowersIf your law firm is active on Twitter and hoping for retweets, consider: what time of the day do you usually send out your messages? According to The Retweet Report by TrackMaven, you should choose your tweet timing with care. Moreover, it can be just as important to pay attention to the timing of any retweets you receive. (Check the report out here.)

TrackMaven’s report examines nearly 1,500 Twitter accounts with more than 1,000 followers each. TrackMaven’s interest lies in the structure of tweets and in their timing. Their research has shown that Monday through Friday are the most active days overall, and Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday feature the hottest prime-time opportunities. The busiest hour of the Twitter day is from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. (ET), when many users are taking lunch breaks.

But what about retweets? Interestingly enough, retweet rates follow a completely different timeframe and peak on completely different days. According to TrackMaven, Sunday boasts the highest average number of retweets, and the 10:00-11:00p.m. (ET) hour saw the most activity. From such statistics, you might deduce that most retweeting takes place outside of the workday (and even of the workweek).

Creative, careful formatting can also boost your popularity. If your law firm is looking to increase its brand exposure with as many retweets as possible, include hashtags. The report’s findings indicate that the more hashtags you use, the higher the likelihood of a retweet becomes. Just be sure to keep the hashtags relevant. Want to add an image? TrackMaven found that tweets with pictures are more popular than those without them. Hardly an unexpected result: the vast majority of people are visually oriented.

With the TrackMaven report in hand, your law firm can better understand Twitter users and their activity. That information can be key to finding an audience, delivering a message and achieving name recognition for your firm. Take advantage of the information and create a Twitter publishing schedule to reach your potential clients.