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Positive Changes for Lawyers in the New Decade

Positive Changes for Lawyers in the New Decade

The 2010s are behind us, and it’s time to face the new decade with a fresh start and a clear vision for how to improve your law firm’s marketing habits and goals. We’ve found some sources that we think will help you brainstorm how to face the new year with realistic resolutions, including tips to improve your website, how to make a podcast, and more.

Legal Marketing Tips: Trends to Keep an Eye on in 2020
From Answering Legal: Take a look at this clearly written and actionable article that lays out marketing trends to capitalize on for the new year. For example, podcasts are a great medium to share your knowledge and personality, which makes you more approachable to potential clients. Demographics are starting to matter more when your law firm is looking for ways of reaching more prospects. If you haven’t already invested in making serious plans for email marketing, this is the time to do so. And finally, implement geofencing to reach users who enter a particular geographical area through your online ads.

Podcasting 101 for law firms
This article from Lawyerist gives you the tools you need to get started on that podcast you’ve been thinking about creating but haven’t known how to begin. From podcasting best practices like getting the right audio hardware and road mapping the content, this article will leave you fully equipped to get started with more confidence and direction.

How to Write a Law Firm Budget
One thing successful law firms have in common is this: they prioritize their marketing. They understand that you get what you pay for, and they know that the money they put into their marketing brings them the success they’re looking for. With this in mind, the article from Clio lays out a step-by-step process for creating a budget for your law firm, as well as how to help you make smarter choices when it comes to spending your firm’s money wisely.

The Importance of the Google’s Featured Snippets and People Also Ask Elements for Law Firms
We’ve all seen Google’s Featured Snippets and People Also Ask elements occupy a lot of real estate at the top of a Google search. But have you considered how you can land on them too? Read this article from Bigger Law Firm magazine to find out how to navigate Google’s algorithms to gain a spot at the top of the page as a way to lend your firm more credibility to users seeking answers to legal questions.

In Case You Missed It from CLM:

Charitable Activities Are Good For Your Community and Law Firm Marketing
You may be getting more involved in charitable activities for your community at the start of 2020, but don’t forget to publicize those activities across social media, on press releases, and other marketing efforts. Doing so not only helps you connect with your community, but it will help boost your SEO and gain new clients. Read on to find out how to make your efforts count for everyone, yourself included.