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  • If you’re a lawyer that doesn’t want to be a cat, follow these steps
If you're a lawyer that doesn't want to be a cat, follow these steps

If you’re a lawyer that doesn’t want to be a cat, follow these steps

Perhaps a virtual hearing with a judge and opposing counsel is not the best time to have one of Zoom's playful characters cutely batting their eyes in your place. If you are a lawyer that finds yourself in a Zoom meeting appearing as a cat or a cat that finds themselves looking like a lawyer, here are a few easy steps (with screenshots) to let your true self shine.

How to turn off filters during a Zoom meeting (a visual guide):

Step 1: Click on the "Stop Video" icon at the bottom of your screen.

Step 1 - Stop Video

If you don't see the "Stop Video" icon, go to “Window” and then make sure “Always show meeting controls” is activated.

Step1 - Always show meeting controls

Step 2: In the top menu, click on “” and select “Preferences.

Step 2 - Select Preferences

Step 3: Select “Background & Filters” and then “Video Filters.

Step 3 - Select background and filters


Step 4 - Video filters


Step 4: Under “Video Filters” select “None.

Step 5 - Select none under video filters


Step 5: Close the settings tab and return to your meeting. Once in your meeting, click on "Start Video" and just like that, your feline days are behind you.

Final Step - Return to meeting and click on start video


Why is this tutorial necessary?

Because you don't want to be this guy: