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Our New Video and Podcasting Studio is Complete!

Our New Video and Podcasting Studio is Complete!

Today, we're celebrating our newly opened video and podcasting studio!

To make this happen, we acquired a vacant space in our Kearny Street building. The space was conveniently located on the same floor as CLM headquarters making it easy to network the studio with the main office.

The CLM Studio took just over 6 months to complete. We have dual UHD cameras to capture two angles or multiple guests simultaneously. We will be hosting a lot of live events and to ensure that we stay connected, we added a building-wide 1GB WiFi system, redundant cellular backups, plus network storage capable of handling over 100 terabytes of data. We will now be able to live cast from anywhere in the building.

Soon, we will be launching podcasts which will be developed in the new studio. The soundproof podcasting station will allow us to host in-person guests plus we will be able to host remote guests with high-quality audio.