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Google Ads Is Changing the Way Exact Match Keywords Work

Google Ads Is Changing the Way Exact Match Keywords Work

Starting throughout October, Google Ads, formerly known as Google AdWords, will begin implementing changes that will expand the way exact match keywords operate. As an example, if your campaign only used exact match keywords, it used to be that your ad would only show if the search query the user inputted was identical to the keyword or phrase.

Now, however, Google has made it so your ads that are associated with the respective exact match keywords will...

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Call Only Ads are a Must Have for Law Firms

google_call_onlyGoogle Adwords offers a mobile ad option that instigates a call when someone selects your ad (rather than a click taking the user to a designated web address). This option is called “Call-Only”. In an industry where people are more likely to dial than fill out a form, your campaign is incomplete without a call-only ad.

Google Adwords allows advertisers to create ad groups that are targeted to different platforms....

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