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No Comment: Why Law Firms Should Disable Commenting

No Comment: Why Law Firms Should Disable Commenting

“Don’t read the comment section.”

It’s advice we hear more and more from celebrities, artists and journalists who understand the potential downside of providing online forums for anonymous armchair reviewers to opine about anything they wish.

As a law firm that knows the importance of blogging as part of an effective content marketing strategy, you may have also experienced the drawbacks of providing a comment board on your posts. But you recognize the value your blog presents in generating...

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Should your law firm’s blog have loyal readers?

lawyer blogsFor nearly a decade, search engine marketers have been the hailing the blog as the best communication invention since Gutenberg's press. The blog provides an easy way to keep your website active, up to date and filled with good content. It also makes it easy to share your content through various online outlets and social media.

But some law firms believe that their blog is going to become...

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Nine types of blog entries to help generate good topic ideas

bloggingMarketers have been telling attorneys to blog for years, since it became obvious that content would rule the online marketing world. Scheduled blogging makes your website relevant to visitors, gives people a reason to trust your expertise and provides a consistent stream of content that is helpful when building organic links to your site.

Good blog entries take time. If you are blogging on a regular schedule, it can seem...

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7 Ways to Enhance Your Local Search Marketing Efforts

localWith the release of Penguin 2.0 in May, Google made it apparent that, among other things, a business's location would play a little more heavily in search results. You may have noticed over the last few months that businesses near you are getting preferential placement in results for non-geo-specific terms like “sushi” or “veterinarian.” Your firm can take advantage of this development by adding a targeted local strategy to your...

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Six tips for building your blog readership

growplantLawyers blog for a variety of reasons, marketing often being chief among them. Blogging and other online social activity can be both rewarding and frustrating. Every regular blogger has wondered if there is really anyone out there reading their tips and insights. For your professional advancement (and peace of mind), it is good to know that your blog readership is growing. More readers mean...

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Create Results with Your Law Firm Blog

bloggingWe have written often about how blogging can drive traffic to your law firm website. A good blog can help you generate more leads and more cases. But like all law firm marketing related efforts, blogging must be done with a purpose. Blog entries that do not address client needs or speak to the right audience may not produce the best results.

If you want to take advantage...

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Position your attorney website as a valuable business development tool

updateIn the not so distant past, having a law firm website simply meant slapping up a few pages about the firm and its practice areas and then checking “develop online presence” off the to-do list. Websites were seen as a sort of online brochure – a static presence advertising the firm’s services.

However, the understanding about what makes an attorney website effective is evolving. In recent years, the...

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Content is still king on an attorney website, but pictures are good for sharing

blog picturesThe value of blogging for attorneys lies in creating relevant content. Writing and posting regularly to a blog on your attorney website helps establish you as a trusted resource and creates interest in your work, giving prospects and clients a reason to return to your website and to refer it to others.

Blogging as a part of a law firm marketing strategy does drive traffic. In 2011, Read More