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Design Terms Part Two: Fixed vs. Liquid Layouts

fluidSince nascent HTML began supporting images, colors and backgrounds, people have been experimenting with ways to dress up their pages. Website design has since flourished, with developments in code and technology giving designers the freedom to create layouts they could not have dreamed of ten years ago. But even with modern development capabilities, challenges still exist. Browser and operating statistics, coupled with on-site analytics, can help you predict what technology...

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Design Terms: What is Grid Layout and is it Right for You?

gridTwo websites that have a very different look and feel may, at their cores, be structured in much the same way. Before adding graphics, colors and text, you must decide what type of layout best fits your needs. Layouts can be fluid, fixed (more on that later), grid, one, two or three column. Grid layouts are popular because they can support a lot of information and content without looking unorganized....

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Company pages on LinkedIn are still an underused resource

best linkedinIn December, LinkedIn released its list of the 12 best company pages of 2012. According to a post on the official LinkedIn blog, the pages were chosen because they used a range of features to both enhance the company's brand and communicate with its audience in a meaningful way. Some winners include Adobe, HubsSpot and CNBC. You can see the complete slideshow...

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Communication counts – avoid clichés and buzzwords like the plague

buzzwordsPoor writing is an instant turnoff. Be it incorrect grammar, overused and tired phrases or a simple failure to proofread adequately, sloppy writing comes across as lazy and unprofessional. For attorneys who must be able to communicate with a range of audiences, from judges to peers to clients and prospective clients, bad writing habits can be costly.

You have read them – sentences that seem to drag on...

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Top 2012 web design trends – part two

trends 4Last week we examined some of the strides website design has made while advances in technology continue to expand creative options. The year 2012 has seen the introduction of some interesting new styles and programming methods, as designers and developers eagerly experiment with some of the advanced capabilities in HTML 5. Here is the second part of our list of the top seven most popular web design trends of the...

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Pinterest Makes Sharing Easier with New Business Accounts

business dayBusinesses have been setting up presences on Pinterest and integrating the network into their marketing for some time, but until now the site's terms have explicitly limited activity on their boards to “personal, non-commercial use.” Because the network was created for individuals, developing a consistent professional presence was not entirely easy. You can, of course, pin your own content and prompt others to pin it as well. While this...

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Google's Newest Target is Your Law Firm's Domain Name

Google’s Newest Target is Your Law Firm’s Domain Name

Recently, Google announced another algorithm change in their efforts to stop web spam. The newest change has nothing to do with your links and little to do with content. This time, Google is targeting your law firm's domain name.

The goal with the newest change is to target low-quality “exact match” domain names. For most law firms, this change may actually help their rankings.

Over the past decade, spammers in all industries (not just law) have been picking up domain...

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