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Communication counts – avoid clichés and buzzwords like the plague

buzzwordsPoor writing is an instant turnoff. Be it incorrect grammar, overused and tired phrases or a simple failure to proofread adequately, sloppy writing comes across as lazy and unprofessional. For attorneys who must be able to communicate with a range of audiences, from judges to peers to clients and prospective clients, bad writing habits can be costly.

You have read them – sentences that seem to drag on...

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LinkedIn releases list of top overused profile buzzwords

wirtingWith the new year approaching, LinkedIn has released their list of 2012's top ten overused profile buzzwords. And they have created a helpful infographic to spread the news. Although the professional network added over 50 million new members this year, “creative” once again topped the list of words most frequently seen in profile descriptions. LinkedIn breaks down profile statistics for the United States and worldwide, and the word...

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Break the Lawyer Website Mold

Attorney websites, by their nature, tend toward the formulaic. As a marketing tool, much of their function is instructive. Prospects want to learn about a firm, the types of cases it handles and the ways in which it assists clients’ unique needs. Unfortunately, this information often falls into predictable categories, and breaking out of those categories – or trying to be too clever – can cause confusion and frustrate users into clicking away.

However, just because lawyer websites must contain...

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Shopping for a Bigger Law Firm

With parties, travel, holiday planning and shopping taking the top slots in your priority list it is important to also use this time of year to establish a law firm marketing plan for 2012.

December is by far the busiest time of year for us because law firms use the traditionally slower month to look at their online marketing and see how their current strategy has played out. Is there more traffic? More exposure? More phone calls? Is there a...

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