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What Law Firms Need to Know About Recovering From Google’s Broad Core Algorithm Updates

What Law Firms Need to Know About Recovering From Google’s Broad Core Algorithm Updates

Google released its latest broad core algorithm update in June 2019. Whenever a new update is rolled out, it inevitably raises questions about how to fix a drop in search engine rankings or why a website’s traffic has improved without doing anything in particular.

At its simplest, a broad core algorithm update is a tweak to Google’s main search algorithm. Each broad core algorithm update affects websites in different ways. For instance, some sites may suffer...

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Manual Link Penalties are not Forever

openIf you received a manual action or unnatural links penalty on your website, it is not forever. The penalties, which may range from months to years, do have an intrinsic end date and are related, according to Distinguished Google Engineer Matt Cutts, to the “severity of the problem that Google sees.” There are no notifications sent when a penalty expires and if one has expired, the manual spam actions viewer...

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