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Design Terms Part Two: Fixed vs. Liquid Layouts

fluidSince nascent HTML began supporting images, colors and backgrounds, people have been experimenting with ways to dress up their pages. Website design has since flourished, with developments in code and technology giving designers the freedom to create layouts they could not have dreamed of ten years ago. But even with modern development capabilities, challenges still exist. Browser and operating statistics, coupled with on-site analytics, can help you predict what technology...

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Top 2012 web design trends – part two

trends 4Last week we examined some of the strides website design has made while advances in technology continue to expand creative options. The year 2012 has seen the introduction of some interesting new styles and programming methods, as designers and developers eagerly experiment with some of the advanced capabilities in HTML 5. Here is the second part of our list of the top seven most popular web design trends of the...

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Prevent SEO mishaps during website design projects

twoplustwoSome website design projects offer a chance to create a new site entirely from scratch. Perhaps a firm is just starting out with a new url, or maybe it has a relatively young or neglected website that is nowhere to be seen in search engine results. This gives designers and developers the chance to flesh out an information architecture, design and SEO strategy with what is basically a...

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Use design for inspiration not duplication

fishGreat web design is many things, but above all it is functional. One of the first lessons new designers learn after they have left the cocoon of the classroom is that no matter how pretty their work may be, clients are only happy if it accomplishes certain objectives. In terms of law firm website design, this means turning visitors into prospects and prospects into clients. Attorney websites must convert.

Because of the need...

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Keep Your Website Development Running Smoothly

fightingIf your firm has decided to undertake a website project, you want the process from contract to launch to go as smoothly as possible. And you want a website that fits your firm's needs and generates leads. Generally, this is how web projects progress.

But sometimes, the process breaks down. Attorneys may get frustrated with their web design and development teams. They think they are being ripped off (sometimes...

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Thinking About a New Website? Define Your Goals From the Start.

option9 sm newIf your firm is considering developing a new website or undertaking a website redesign, now is the best time to define your strategy. Before diving in, stop to consider what you want your website to do for your firm - how you want it to work for you. It is easy for a law firm website to suffer from information spread. But attempting to sell a...

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