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Verdict is mixed on the effects of Google's mobile algorithm update

Verdict is mixed on the effects of Google’s mobile algorithm update

Google began rolling out it's most recent algorithm update on April 21st, to much fanfare. The change, hyperbolically dubbed Mobilegeddon, applies to mobile searches only. According to Google, it is now prioritizing pages it deems to be mobile-friendly in smartphone search results.

Google makes hundreds of adjustments to its algorithm every year, all quietly and mostly unnoticed. But Google took the rare step of announcing that this change was coming, which likely added to the general air...

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Mobile Optimization is a Must for Law Firms

mobile search for lawyersLast year, Google's paid links (listings powered by Adwords) saw traffic from mobile devices account for 25 percent of clickthroughs -- a significant number, and one that law firms must pay attention to.

When looking at consistency between natural Google rankings on desktops and smart phones, we see little changes. About 85 percent of desktop rankings have the same position when conducting a search...

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Niche Marketing Offers Advantages for Law Firms

Much has been written about niche marketing, to the point that it has become something of a marketing buzzword. But, overused or not, the concept of niche marketing is still very relevant to attorneys.

Technically defined, niche marketing is marketing that is targeted to focus on a sub set of potential customers or prospects. Finding your law firm’s niche and using it wisely has many advantages, particularly in a down economy. Attorneys can benefit from niche marketing because it helps...

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