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5 tips for writing effective practice area page content

5 tips for writing effective practice area page content

Your practice area pages have a lot of heavy lifting to do. A practice area page may be the first and only page a visitor sees on your website. It should be informative, interesting and speak to the concerns of your potential clients. It should hold readers' attention. And a good practice area page should also convert readers into leads and clients.

Know the purpose of your practice area pages

Practice area pages do more than just tell visitors what...

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7 ways to hold visitors' attention and keep them on your site

7 ways to hold visitors’ attention and keep them on your site

Two metrics that are often used to determine a website's performance are time on site and bounce rate. Bounce rate is the percentage of times a user clicks on a page and leaves without visiting any other page; in other words, the percentage of single-page visits. A high bounce rate can indicate that your landing pages are not providing visitors with the information they need. However, a high bounce rate paired with high conversions can indicate that people are...

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Marketing and the Brain — Part 3 of 3

Marketing and the Brain — Part 3 of 3

In part 3 of Marketing and the Brain, we’ll cover why your marketing strategy should cater to a person’s tendency to follow their gut feeling, make impulse decisions and protect their free will. These psychology concepts help inform marketers and salespeople how to effectively appeal to prospects, and can be used by you to convert more leads and grow your firm.

Emotional decisions

We often convince ourselves that we follow a strictly logical code for our decision-making process. We tell ourselves...

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Getting people to use your law firm’s app

iphone_clm_to_goMany law firms see a mobile app as just another item on the list of desirable marketing tools. Once it's built, they cross it off the list and don't think about it again, even if it attracts very little attention. They don't realize that an app needs a marketing plan of its own to really succeed.

If you build it, they won't necessarily come.

Getting your law firm's app in the Google Play...

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Chrome is the most popular browser but is it popular with your visitors?

Chrome The latest statistics on browser preference have arrived.

According to, Google Chrome has earned the healthiest market share between December 2012 and December 2013. In fact, it has been gaining popularity since 2011, when it ran virtually neck-and-neck with Firefox. Internet Explorer (IE), Safari and Opera are still being used, but Safari and Opera fall well behind the top three — Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer.

Chrome was first...

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More clients call than click

man calling lawyerWhen measuring the success of search engine marketing, many law firms look at the leads emailed to them from their website. While lawyers notice an increase in cases, they often come via a very limited number of emailed leads.

The trend of leads using contact forms is decreasing while the ROI of online marketing for law firms is sharply increasing. How is this possible? Many people are opting to...

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Want to rank high in Bing Local? Try SPAM

We recently looked at the local results for Google, Yahoo!, and Bing in an attempt to find similarities among the results displayed in the search engines' local results.

While Yahoo! and Bing are both powered by the same search engine, the logic behind their local results are very different.

In Yahoo!, a search for a Chicago personal injury lawyer yielded one spammy listing out of five. In Bing for that same search, we found four spammy entries out of five....

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Back to basics: How healthy is your law firm brand?

brandBranding is a commonly maligned concept in the legal world, too often associated with low-quality advertising and a move away from focusing on client service. But branding and practice are not mutually exclusive; they can and should work to support each other.

No, a snazzy logo alone will not bring in more business. But your brand is much more than just a logo or a tagline; branding and...

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