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Google Can Now Identify Paragraphs on Web Pages For Specific Searches, and Other Must-Reads

Google Can Now Identify Paragraphs on Web Pages For Specific Searches, and Other Must-Reads

Google Confirms It Doesn’t Index Passages Separately (Search Engine Land)

Recently Google shared how individual passages of a webpage will soon be identified to better understand how relevancy between a page and a particular search. If you're worried that this meant you have to index passages separately, Google clarified in a Tweet that this will not be the case.

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Six website conversion killers your firm can avoid

Six website conversion killers your firm can avoid

Rankings are up, traffic is up, you're in the local map 3-pack — it looks like your SEO efforts are paying off. More people are finding your website through organic search. Internet life is good.

Except, for some reason, leads are flat. People are coming to your website, but they aren't converting.

Poor conversion can destroy even the best marketing campaigns. If you are making an investment in bringing visitors to your website, it should be generating leads. And...

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