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Content marketing and link building: use both to fulfill different goals

Content marketing and link building: use both to fulfill different goals

After Google released the first version of its Penguin algorithm update in 2012, sites that had been practicing successful — but spammy — link-building tactics saw drastic ranking declines.

The depth and breadth of the post-Penguin fallout caused many to shy away from link building. Even though links were still being used to help determine search placement, the cost of being punished for an error was perceived as too high. And Google was hinting strongly that it was trying...

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Links still matter: top takeaways from the Link Building Survey 2014

Links still matter: top takeaways from the Link Building Survey 2014

Skyrocket SEO released the results of its Link Building Survey 2014 in July and have published the data on the Moz blog. Over 300 consultants, marketers, business owners and SEO managers answered questions about link building budgets, challenges and tactics. The results show that link building is still an integral part of most search marketing budgets, even if the process is becoming more demanding.

What is link building?

Link building is the process of actively...

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