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How to find the right content mix for your law firm

How to find the right content mix for your law firm

Bill Gates wrote his essay, “Content is King” in 1996. Twenty years later, the phrase still continues to dominate the online marketing world.

Companies in all industries are in a rush to produce as much content as possible, hoping that something sticks — that some piece of content will hit upon the magic mix of luck, quality and value and become a viral sensation.

This rush has created glut of articles, blogs, lists and posts that are...

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Law Firm Marketing with Short Content

At the center of every online law firm marketing campaign is content. Whether it is content on your website, blog entries, or distributed content like press releases or articles, what gets your firm attention is valuable content.

As users turn to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Google Plus, we see an obvious trend change regarding what people like and what gets them to “like” or “+1” your firm. People like brevity.

From short Tweets to brief blog entires, content that...

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