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How to write a professional attorney bio people will actually want to read

How to write a professional attorney bio people will actually want to read

Nobody said writing an attorney bio was glamorous. But it is necessary. Unfortunately, it is a task that is often given too little attention, resulting in a boring bio page that is just a thinly-veiled rehashing of an old resume.

Your attorney bio page is important. In fact, it is probably one of the most important pages on your law firm's website. According to HubSpot, about pages are the second most visited pages on a website. Attorney...

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Your law firm’s outbound links still play an important role

resourcelinksThere is a lot of discussion within the search engine marketing community surrounding the Google Penguin 2.0 updates and how they affect inbound links to your firm's website. In last month's issue of the Bigger Law Firm magazine, the author created a framework for how to think about search engine marketing moving forward. It's about connections, not just links to your website.

Connections involve social connections, citations, websites which mention...

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Who is paying attention to banner ads?

One of the challenges of online marketing is determining how to best divide your budget between available methods. A number of forces continue to converge that make this decision ever more complicated. Google's successful efforts to encourage high-quality, contextually relevant content and penalize sites that try to take short-cuts coupled with the growing influence of apps and mobile search are forcing firms to employ multiple tactics. And the question of how much social media activity and influence may (or...

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Google, I need an attorney

At Google's I/O conference in San Francisco last week, they announced their plans to make internet search a little more conversational. With a little inspiration from Star Trek, Google wants users to search with casual verbal conversation.

Google Senior Vice President Amit Singhal said the search engine of the future will “answer, converse and anticipate.”

The presentations at the conference involved Singhal searching for...

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Beat the crowd: Tips for rising above the competition in a saturated market

rise aboveThe Am Law Daily announced last week that early numbers show only modest growth for a prestigious group of New York's largest law firms last year. Within the study is the admission from several partners that persistent pressure to lower rates is cutting into profitability, even with a rise in some types of litigation work. The push for firms to lower their rates or pursue alternative billing...

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Explore the possibilities of interactive website design

fffStatic brochure websites are quickly becoming a thing of the past. People now expect frequently updated, current content and interactive design elements, even from an attorney website. Dated sites with links to old articles from your law school days do not connect with potential clients. As attorneys, you have a wealth of knowledge built from years of experience that you can harness to speak directly...

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Communication counts – avoid clichés and buzzwords like the plague

buzzwordsPoor writing is an instant turnoff. Be it incorrect grammar, overused and tired phrases or a simple failure to proofread adequately, sloppy writing comes across as lazy and unprofessional. For attorneys who must be able to communicate with a range of audiences, from judges to peers to clients and prospective clients, bad writing habits can be costly.

You have read them – sentences that seem to drag on...

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Practice simplicity in your articles and marketing materials

Keep your audience in mind when writing articles, blog entries and other social content.

Every profession has own language and jargon – a collection of terms that are used predominantly only by those within the industry. Some industries have more (and more obscure) jargon than others, and attorneys are one group of professionals who have acquired a reputation for being some of the worst offenders.

It is easy to succumb to the idea that using big words will make you...

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Attorney Bios are an Important Lawyer Website Marketing Tool

Attorney bio pages on a law firm website are the pages most frequently visited by prospective clients. Bio pages can see up to twice the traffic of even a firm’s home page. Clearly they are important. Attorneys should take advantage of the exposure their bio pages receive by focusing on design and content that will engage visitors and generate leads.

Think of your attorney bio pages as an online extension of your office. You are inviting people in to...

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