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Think beyond text on a webpage for your content marketing

beyond textContent marketing will continue to get a lot of attention as websites adjust to Google's new Hummingbird algorithm, which was quietly rolled out in August and formally announced at the end of September. This release is the first entirely new rewrite of the company's algorithm since 2001, and it changes the way Google looks at keywords. Hummingbird is a move toward a more contextual, semantic search; that is, rather...

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Branding is more than a buzzword, it could influence your search ranking

handmade brandingGoogle has had an active summer, much to the chagrin of many, from a high-profile Penguin update to changes to its link scheme guidelines. But, as Eric Enge pointed out in an article about Google's quality control process, the search giant doesn't really care whether it ranks your site accurately. Google is interested in increasing overall search quality, not in small, individual cases. The best way to...

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Keep your email marketing fresh: Study confirms it still produces results

email marketingResearch released in Monetate's Ecommerce Quarterly (EQ) report for Q1 2013 reveals that email is still an important marketing tool for businesses. According to data collected during the first quarter of this year, email is actually a larger driver of conversion than search.

The study examined over 500 million shopping experiences and found that email marketing converted more than 3 percent of the time, while search came in...

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Give great presentations by avoiding these common PowerPoint mistakes

presentationSeminars and presentations can be powerful marketing tools. When your firm hosts an informational seminar, you fill the room with high-value leads – people who have willfully expressed interest in your areas of practice. Since you have a limited amount of time with your audience, you need to provide genuinely helpful materials. And you must make sure your presentation is memorable.

PowerPoint can be a dangerous thing....

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Design Terms: What is Grid Layout and is it Right for You?

gridTwo websites that have a very different look and feel may, at their cores, be structured in much the same way. Before adding graphics, colors and text, you must decide what type of layout best fits your needs. Layouts can be fluid, fixed (more on that later), grid, one, two or three column. Grid layouts are popular because they can support a lot of information and content without looking unorganized....

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Pinterest Makes Sharing Easier with New Business Accounts

business dayBusinesses have been setting up presences on Pinterest and integrating the network into their marketing for some time, but until now the site's terms have explicitly limited activity on their boards to “personal, non-commercial use.” Because the network was created for individuals, developing a consistent professional presence was not entirely easy. You can, of course, pin your own content and prompt others to pin it as well. While this...

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Is your firm getting the most out of its Facebook posts?

facebookpostsFacebook has been taking steps over the past several months that show a growing understanding of how businesses and individuals are using its service for marketing purposes. The site now has areas dedicated to building business pages, resources for businesses, success stories, advertising tips and apps that help companies manage their pages. Law firms are better equipped take advantage of the platform to position themselves as leaders and build...

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Lessons from LinkedIn’s split with Twitter: Use each social media platform to its advantage

soc mediaAt the end of June, Ryan Roslansky, Head of Content Products at LinkedIn, announced a social media separation. Twitter users will no longer be able to display their Tweets automatically on LinkenIn. Since 2009, users have been able to sync their Twitter and LinkedIn accounts so that anything shared on Twitter would simultaneously post to LinkedIn. Now, users will have to post updates individually to each network.

Of course,...

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