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Where did the map go?

mobile search for lawyersGoogle released an update to its local search engine algorithm, dubbed the Pigeon update by Search Engine Land (SEL). The update was complex, including a number of changes designed to improve the relevancy and accuracy of local search results.

The biggest impact of Google's Pigeon algorithm update has been seen in the local "7-pack" results, the groups of two to seven pinned, local results that appear on some local...

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How much your firm’s SEO rankings would cost in PPC

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Law firms often look at their SEO investment in terms of increased rankings, web leads, phone calls, and other measurable improvements. But there is another way to look at your SEO investment, the pay-per-click value.

The pay-per-click (PPC) value looks at these elements:

1) Your search engine rankings in Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

2) The cost-per-click (CPC) for those keywords at their current position (i.e.,...

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