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7 ways to hold visitors' attention and keep them on your site

7 ways to hold visitors’ attention and keep them on your site

Two metrics that are often used to determine a website's performance are time on site and bounce rate. Bounce rate is the percentage of times a user clicks on a page and leaves without visiting any other page; in other words, the percentage of single-page visits. A high bounce rate can indicate that your landing pages are not providing visitors with the information they need. However, a high bounce rate paired with high conversions can indicate that people are...

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Content marketing and link building: use both to fulfill different goals

Content marketing and link building: use both to fulfill different goals

After Google released the first version of its Penguin algorithm update in 2012, sites that had been practicing successful — but spammy — link-building tactics saw drastic ranking declines.

The depth and breadth of the post-Penguin fallout caused many to shy away from link building. Even though links were still being used to help determine search placement, the cost of being punished for an error was perceived as too high. And Google was hinting strongly that it was trying...

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Should your law firm’s web content be shorter?

typewriter The term “thin content” became a buzzword in the SEO industry two years ago, when Google's Panda update started pounding websites that contained useless content. In definitions, "thin content" is often connected with short page length or low word count. But Google's Webmaster Tools Help simply defines it as content that provides “little to no added value.”

The examples provided by Google include:

  • Automatically generated content: This is content that...
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Keep your email marketing fresh: Study confirms it still produces results

email marketingResearch released in Monetate's Ecommerce Quarterly (EQ) report for Q1 2013 reveals that email is still an important marketing tool for businesses. According to data collected during the first quarter of this year, email is actually a larger driver of conversion than search.

The study examined over 500 million shopping experiences and found that email marketing converted more than 3 percent of the time, while search came in...

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Find balance with your search and social marketing efforts

zenEach new, highly publicized update Google releases causes some frustration among businesses that see their rankings fluctuate as the changes take effect. And Google will continue to hone its algorithm in an attempt to make search results as helpful as possible for those in need of information or services.

However, through all of Google's updates, the basic rules have remained the same. And so has the underlying formula: a combination...

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Explore the possibilities of interactive website design

fffStatic brochure websites are quickly becoming a thing of the past. People now expect frequently updated, current content and interactive design elements, even from an attorney website. Dated sites with links to old articles from your law school days do not connect with potential clients. As attorneys, you have a wealth of knowledge built from years of experience that you can harness to speak directly...

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