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Raising Your Law Firm's Brand With YouTube Audio Ads, and Other Must-Reads

Raising Your Law Firm’s Brand With YouTube Audio Ads, and Other Must-Reads

How to Get Started With YouTube Audio Ads (Search Engine Land)

“YouTube audio ads are a refreshing new ad type designed to serve brand awareness and reach goals with audio content on the video platform.” As of November 2020, audio ads have remained in a global open beta. For law firms looking to further their outreach online, audio ads may be worth the consideration to engage music and podcast listeners.

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Get the Most Out of Your Law Firm's Videos

Get the Most Out of Your Law Firm’s Videos

Facebook users consume 100 million hours of Facebook videos per day, matched by 500 million hours of Youtube videos watched each day. Does that mean people are watch law firms' videos?

That depends on the channel and the device.

Look Who’s Watching
For law firm videos, the video click through rate (or play rate) on mobile devices is miniscule compared to desktops and tablets even though YouTube's traffic is more than 50% mobile. When Custom Legal...

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8 Ways to Get the Most our of Your YouTube Channel – Part 2

Part one in this two-part series can be found here.

youtube one channelLike most social networks, your ability to benefit from YouTube One Channel relies heavily on the level of involvement to which your firm is willing to commit. At a minimum, you should brand your channel and fully fill out all meta data, like titles and descriptions, so your videos will be correctly categorized and easy to find....

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8 Ways to Get the Most our of Your YouTube Channel – Part 1

youtubeYouTube rolled out its new One Channel platform over the spring and early summer. By now, whether you have set up your channel or not, any YouTube accounts you have should have long been converted to the new design. With the changes, Google is attempting to make the site more of a subscription based destination, rather than a video hosting site. As the name implies, all users now have a channel...

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Use attorney videos to drive leads for your law firm

videoAttorney videos are gaining traction as useful online marketing tools. Videos can help provide prospects with answers to some basic questions about their legal needs. When people are searching for a lawyer, they are often also looking for answers and information, too.

In addition, videos introduce people to your firm’s personality. The most effective videos can help create trust with visitors. People often make hiring decisions based entirely on...

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