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A Lawyer Website Design Only Works if Users Know What To Do

Even AT&T knows that consumers are no longer using the Yellow Pages as a primary method to search for professionals. Consumers are searching online, and marketing budgets have adjusted accordingly.

People (and businesses) that need an attorney are increasingly using law firm websites to filter their options before choosing which lawyer to call. A well designed, well populated, website shows off a firm’s professionalism and expertise, which helps establish trust with prospects and existing clients. There is simply no excuse for letting a shoddy website stand between you and new cases.

Creating an effective lawyer website is a balancing act. It requires the right combination of style, content, planning and function. A design can be too clever for its own good. Overdesigned sites may actually prevent users from understanding what your firm does. Too many navigation options can be confusing or distracting. This will risk conversion.

Great lawyer web design only works if it communicates effectively. It does not matter how long your web designer labored, hovering inches away from the monitor, using Photoshop to masterfully create the perfect mix of texture, depth and style. That time (and your money) is wasted if a potential client doesn’t know what to do once they arrive at the site. Following some design best practices can help improve online conversion.

Simplify site navigation. People are coming to your law firm’s website to learn about you. Make it easy. Limit primary menu items to the essentials and organize sub pages and
sub menus to help guide people who want to look deeper.

Prioritize your content. Think about what information is critical and what is merely helpful. Use your most valuable space for a limited amount of important content.

Limit distractions. Do not give users too many options or distract them with unnecessary bells and whistles. Direct them to the things you want them to see.

Use obvious calls to action and make forms prominent and easily accessible. Always give people an easy way to contact you. The ultimate goal in lawyer website design, as with all marketing, is conversion. Place a contact form on every page of your law firm’s website. Tell prospects to contact you, tell them why, and make it simple.