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How law firms can take advantage of evergreen content

How law firms can take advantage of evergreen content

The pressure to constantly produce fresh content is turning many businesses into would-be publishers. Apparel retailers offer tips on clothing fit and accessories. Outdoor outfitters provide resources about backpacking must-haves and publish articles about how to train for specific adventures. Pistachios and Tic Tacs are on Twitter. Online, silence is not an option.

Having a daily article quota may work for journalists, and even big brands, but it is unrealistic for attorneys. Attorneys should play the content marketing game,...

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Four common misunderstandings about attorney website design (and how to fix them)

Four common misunderstandings about attorney website design (and how to fix them)

It happens to the best attorneys, designers and marketers. You embark upon creating a website together. You brainstorm, you prototype, you test, and you build what you believe to be a great new product. Then, at some point, you realize that something has gone awry. Online conversions are down, bounce rates are up. Time on site is suffering. A mistake has been made, and it is more than a mere typo — the design is not functioning as intended....

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Google updates its mobile algorithm: how your firm can stay on top

Google updates its mobile algorithm: how your firm can stay on top

In February of 2015, Google made waves in the SEO community by announcing a major algorithm update before rolling it out. The change, which went into effect two months later in April, expanded Google's use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. The ensuing rankings shake-up, hyperbolically dubbed “Mobilegeddon,” did push website owners to make significant changes. According to Smashing Magazine, eight months after the event, 25 percent of websites that were not previously mobile-friendly had made the...

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5 strategies for writing better blog titles

5 strategies for writing better blog titles

While the quality of the content and writing itself is essential in the creation of a great blog, your efforts may go unnoticed if it lacks an effective title.

Because the internet is wrought with the noise of so many other articles and posts vying for attention, readers have been taught to filter through search results and ignore those that simply fade into the background because they fail to catch their eye. Unfortunately, those users will likely...

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Marketing and the Brain — Part 3 of 3

Marketing and the Brain — Part 3 of 3

In part 3 of Marketing and the Brain, we’ll cover why your marketing strategy should cater to a person’s tendency to follow their gut feeling, make impulse decisions and protect their free will. These psychology concepts help inform marketers and salespeople how to effectively appeal to prospects, and can be used by you to convert more leads and grow your firm.

Emotional decisions

We often convince ourselves that we follow a strictly logical code for our decision-making process. We tell ourselves...

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Dump these five overused legal marketing phrases

Dump these five overused legal marketing phrases

Lawyers must communicate with a diverse array of people in order to run a successful practice. Each audience, from judges to colleagues to prospective clients, has a different perspective, and attorneys must tailor their language accordingly when speaking to these different groups.

Marketing language is often more casual and conversational than other types of speech attorneys may use. Marketing language should build trust and create connections, a task that is difficult to manage through jargon and formality.

In addition to...

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Six things the highest converting attorney websites have in common

Six things the highest converting attorney websites have in common

Creating a website with a solid conversion rate is a balance between listening to what visitors say they want and gently nudging them toward what you want them to do. Your website should be designed with an understanding of your target audience and the expectations of your various client personas. And your site should answer the questions visitors are most likely to ask, while giving them reasons to contact you.

Websites that convert well share some characteristics in terms...

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Marketing and the Brain - Part 2 of 3

Marketing and the Brain – Part 2 of 3


After setting the stage with your logo, color scheme and visual display, as discussed in part 1 of this blog series, play close attention to your website’s copy. Copywriting is all about persuasion and an appeal to human memory through the written word, which may seem like a difficult task for some. Consider the psychological implications of copywriting, however, and you’ll find that creating more effective, conversion-oriented copy is simpler than it may appear.


When a statement is repeated,...

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What law firms can learn from Google's latest search quality guidelines

What law firms can learn from Google’s latest search quality guidelines

For the first time, Google has released the full version of its Quality Raters Guidelines and Handbook. Google provides the 160 page .pdf to its human testers, who perform searches and rate the results based on these guidelines. Google then uses this rating information to enhance its algorithm in an attempt to continuously improve results for searchers.

Raters assign a Page Quality rating based on a sliding rating scale. The scale contains five primary rating options: Lowest, Low,...

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Retargeting: Never say goodbye to your law firm’s visitors

remarketing_for_law_firmsIf your law firm wants to take advantage of a 10-20 percent conversion rate, retargeted ads can help. With them, you never say goodbye to your firm’s visitors. 

Retargeting interacts with the basic nature of social media. Everyone surfs multiple types of websites. Facebook in particular is highly popular, and it offers ways to share just about anything in one way or another. 

Ever wonder how items you have been shopping for somewhere...

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