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Whose opinion matters when redesigning your firm’s website?

scrutinyThe reason a website is redesigned is to attract new clients. The old site may be out-of-date or not optimized for the world in which we now live; visitors may be accessing your site from a large desktop computer, a laptop, a midsize tablet, an ebook tablet, or a smartphone. Ultimately, the redesign is about getting new clients.

When your law firm's website is getting redesigned, it's natural to reach out to friends and family to get their opinion about the proposed design. Sometimes this can yield good feedback about the navigation and intuitive elements of your website; since you and the your staff probably visit your website on a regular basis, you are already familiar with the navigation. A friend who does not visit your site may be able to point out things that you've overlooked.

While friends and colleagues can offer good advice during the design process, whose opinion is most valuable? Your family? Friends? A lawyer you collaborate with on occasion? Your designer's?

Ask Your Clients

Assuming your designer is experienced with law firm branding and design, they probably have a lot of great advice to offer about your redesign. That's probably why you hired them. But, since the website is ultimately about getting new clients, your existing or former clients' feedback is going to give you the best insight.

A family member may see a proposed design and say, “I never really liked periwinkle,” or when looking at your picture they may comment, “You should have worn a gray suit, instead of a black one.” Aesthetic comments won't help with the overall goal of getting more cases.

Clients, on the other hand, represent your target audience. A former client may comment on the way the website makes them feel. They may look at a header design and say things like, “I like how the slideshow gives me a link to where I need to go without having to scroll through your menu,” or “The 'frequently asked questions' would be easier to read if they were on the same page.”

Such feedback from clients can lead to design changes that make your website more attractive to the group of people whose opinion matters most -- future clients.

When redesigning your website, get feedback from your friends and family members, but look to the experience of your designer and the comments of clients to provide the most valuable insight.