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How to use heatmap data to improve your law firm’s website performance

heatmapA number of tools are available to show you how your users interact with your law firm's website. This data can show you what's working, but it's not there to affirm that you are doing things right. The real value of knowing visitors' behavior is understanding what you can do better.

Heatmaps can show you how your users interact with your content, navigation menu, and interactive elements on your site.

Clickmap – A clickmap will show you how visitors interact with clickable items on your site. For example, do more people click on “practice areas” in a main menu, or are they more inclined to click on a specific practice menu in a sidebar? You can use clickmaps to try different things to see what converts best. For example, one month you may have a button that says “Contact Us.” Another month, you can try something different, like “Contact a lawyer” or “Get help” or “Learn more.” Using the clickmap, you can see which wording attracts the highest percentage of clicks to make sure you maximize the converting potential of each user. The Advialytics statistics package used on all SEO | Law Firm websites shows percentages on the clickmap. This is extremely helpful, because it lets you see exactly how what percentage of people on a page click on an element. Some clickmaps may just show colors or circles to reflect this data, but an exact percentage is more helpful.

Scrollmap – Scrollmaps are helpful in making sure your most important data is what your visitors are drawn to. Unlike clickmaps, which run all of the time, scrollmaps are generally deployed on an as-needed basis to collect and react to user behavior. A scrollmap monitors the time users spend reading certain parts of a page. Are people drawn to your navigation menu? Are they ignoring videos? Are they reading all of your content, or just the first two sentences? By showing different colors to reflect different levels of interest, you can see where your visitors' eyes spend the most time. Then, you can make sure those areas have the best calls to action to get them to contact your firm.

Some tools go further by detailing which visitors are more likely to click on certain elements. For example, are visitors from Bing more likely to watch a video than someone who found your site on Google? This data can help you better understand the different groups of users that interact with your site.

Heatmaps give you the data you need to tailor your website's content around the behavior of its visitors. If you know what visitors expect and what they are interested in, you can deliver on those expectations and improve your website's conversions.