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2021 Image Sizing Guide For Social Media, and Other Must-Reads

2021 Image Sizing Guide For Social Media, and Other Must-Reads

Hootsuite’s Social Media Image Size Guide for 2021 (Hootsuite)

Are you looking to better streamline your law firm's social media marketing? Bookmark this informative infographic of the latest social media image sizes for 2021.

Keyword Clusters: Advanced SEO Content Strategy for Competitive SERP (Search Engine Journal)

"With every core update, Google gets more literary. But despite Google getting smarter, many site owners still optimize their websites with only a few keyword targets...

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Google Adds Video Enhancements to Search Console: Is Your Law Firm's Website Ready?

Google Adds Video Enhancements to Search Console: Is Your Law Firm’s Website Ready?

While internet speeds used to all but prohibit the use of embedded videos for law firm websites, that is no longer the case. In fact, last year, the average download speed in the United States was an impressive 93.98 Mbps, which is twice the global average of 46.25 Mbps. Given that the majority of Americans have the ability to seamlessly view an embedded video, more and more law firms are including videos on their website....

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How law firms can take advantage of evergreen content

How law firms can take advantage of evergreen content

The pressure to constantly produce fresh content is turning many businesses into would-be publishers. Apparel retailers offer tips on clothing fit and accessories. Outdoor outfitters provide resources about backpacking must-haves and publish articles about how to train for specific adventures. Pistachios and Tic Tacs are on Twitter. Online, silence is not an option.

Having a daily article quota may work for journalists, and even big brands, but it is unrealistic for attorneys. Attorneys should play the content marketing game,...

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Six things the highest converting attorney websites have in common

Six things the highest converting attorney websites have in common

Creating a website with a solid conversion rate is a balance between listening to what visitors say they want and gently nudging them toward what you want them to do. Your website should be designed with an understanding of your target audience and the expectations of your various client personas. And your site should answer the questions visitors are most likely to ask, while giving them reasons to contact you.

Websites that convert well share some characteristics in terms...

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Study provides insight into what Google is looking for in a quality page

Study provides insight into what Google is looking for in a quality page

A recently published study performed by Backlinko provides insight into the correlation between several page factors and their effects on search engine results. Backlinko looked at a comprehensive sample of 1 million Google search results to determine its findings. The study confirmed some closely held search marketing beliefs while also producing unexpected results. Here is a summary of key findings, along with tips for how attorneys can use them.

Links are still important

Despite Google's apparent...

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Marketing and the Brain - Part 1 of 3

Marketing and the Brain – Part 1 of 3

Visual input

How does your brain perceive a logo? How does copywriting play to the brain’s impulses? What role do emotions play in our decision-making?

Understanding the role of the brain’s cognitive biases and tendencies in the marketing process is essential to converting more leads. The way our brains are wired to respond to marketing features is simpler than you may think. In fact, while each mind is unique, we often respond in predictable ways.

In this three-part blog series, we’ll cover...

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Twitter releases study showing what tweets are most successful

Twitter releases study showing what tweets are most successful

A new study from Twitter reveals what factors cause some tweets to be more successful than others. The research confirms what third-party analysis and user observation have long demonstrated: tweets that contain images prompt the most engagement. Posts with video and links also receive more attention.

Twitter analyzed over 2 million tweets sent from accounts within the United States. Researchers looked for tweets containing photos, #hashtags, links, videos and a number or a digit — such as...

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How to use heatmap data to improve your law firm’s website performance

heatmapA number of tools are available to show you how your users interact with your law firm's website. This data can show you what's working, but it's not there to affirm that you are doing things right. The real value of knowing visitors' behavior is understanding what you can do better.

Heatmaps can show you how your users interact with your content, navigation menu, and interactive elements on your site.

Clickmap –...

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