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Our New Report and Analytics Lounge is Your Law Firm Marketing Command Center

Our New Report and Analytics Lounge is Your Law Firm Marketing Command Center

As a law firm investing in online marketing, you deserve to know where your marketing dollars are going and what results can be traced back to your SEO efforts. Custom Legal Marketing has always believed in transparency and giving law firms full access to their data which is why we built the CLM Lounge half a decade ago.

In December of 2017, we retired the old CLM Lounge and moved to a new platform that integrates with multiple services and allows you to see the entirety of your legal marketing campaign from one central dashboard. Say hello to your new CLM Lounge.

Analytics Reimagined

Analytics for Lawyers

Law firms can navigate the various origins of traffic from channels such as organic search and referrals while comparing with historic Google Analytics data. The sessions, average duration and bounce rate are all spread out in pie charts, graphs and tables. Specific metrics can be hidden or visible, customizing the site to fit the firm’s needs.

Hone in on who is attracted to the law firm’s website in the “audience” selection with a simple map display, or focus on the age and gender of the site’s leads to get a better approach to what categories are generating the most clicks. View the types of devices that leads are using to access the firm’s website.

Watch conversion rates spike with the analytics conversion feature. Focus on specific pages to note what is improving and what is going wrong by viewing bounce rates and pageviews. Select a view of “all pages” or separate by landing pages and exit pages. By creating an event, different clicks will generate data to understanding which pages are working best.

Track Rankings and SEO Progress

Lawyer Link Building Report

The new lounge gives daily rankings for the keywords that matter most to your law firm. Changes between search engines can also be viewed. Plus, firms can now monitor their Google Local and Google Mobile rankings separate from their desktop search results.

You can also get familiar with your link portfolio. New and lost links can be reviewed as well as the top anchors by domain. Explore Google Search Console data such as clicks, impressions and average position for top queries and pages.


Social Analytics for Lawyers

Explore reports from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and others with the social analytics feature. Through this, the overall social media feed can be viewed alongside specifics such as likes, reach and audience demographics.

Pay-Per-Click Reports

20% Adwords Conversion Rate

View clicks, impressions, campaigns, and conversions without navigating the Google Adwords dashboard. You can also track your Facebook Ads and Bing Ads from your CLM Lounge.

Email Tracking

Email Marketing Report for Attorneys

Monitor open rates, unsubscribes, and other valuable data from your email marketing efforts.

As Custom Legal Marketing absorbs data from multiple sources to power their campaigns, the new CLM Lounge allows their clients to see all of the metrics of their marketing plan in a single dashboard. Being on top of metrics is extremely important for law firms to pave the way for successful online marketing.

Plus more!

The new CLM Lounge also includes call tracking, competitor reports, client review monitoring, Google My Business insights, and more!

Want access to these reports? Talk to your account manager today to setup a demo. Not a Custom Legal Marketing client? Lets change that. Contact us today to get a free analysis and campaign review.