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How Law Firms Are Using Google Web Stories

How Law Firms Are Using Google Web Stories

Earlier this year, we talked about the benefits of Google Web Stories and how law firms should be adopting this mobile media format. Before we share some examples, let us do a quick recap.

What Is a Google Web Story?

Think of it as a mobile-optimized presentation with videos, animations and slides. It is like a PowerPoint presentation on your website that users can discover in search.

Web Stories have been used by news media and magazines but...

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Should lawyers offer free consultations?

Should lawyers offer free consultations?

Many lawyers feel conflicted about whether to offer free consultations or to charge a fee. On the one hand, free consultations are a great way to attract potential clients by providing them with the security of deciding who to hire before having to pay fees. It’s a good way to get people into your office, which gives you the chance to stand out above your competitors. But on the other hand, time is money. If you or your staff...

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Brace Yourself. Google Broad Core Algorithm Update is Rolling out Today

Brace Yourself. Google Broad Core Algorithm Update is Rolling out Today

Google releases updates on a daily basis but a few times a year, they do a broad core update. The June Core Update was followed by a lot of ranking turbulence and a crackdown on Google My Business term violations. But ultimately, most of CLM's law firms saw their organic positions improve after the dust settled.

Google announced the algorithm update today on Twitter:

Improve Your Law Firm's SEO by Making Short Content Long-Form Content

Improve Your Law Firm’s SEO by Making Short Content Long-Form Content

In the ever-changing world of law firm marketing and search engine optimization (SEO), relatively short and weak pages generally cause more harm than good for website owners. That is especially true in the legal world, where current and prospective clients are looking for more information via long-form content. Long-form content consists of extensive print media combined with photos, graphics, videos and other complementary multi-media content.

The idea is to create a unique user experience, while providing...

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The 2018 Content Marketing Plan for Law Firms

The 2018 Content Marketing Plan for Law Firms

Content marketing is propelling forward into a modernized world of high expectations for law firms: to be unique and trustworthy for clients with a crisp and transparent online presence. As rough as the roadmap to successful marketing may seem, it is not impossible. The secret is in the flow. Here is how your firm can tackle content marketing today:

Create Your Plan of Action

Break it down.
The simplest start to new beginnings in 2018 is to realign your law firm’s goals...

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Our New Report and Analytics Lounge is Your Law Firm Marketing Command Center

Our New Report and Analytics Lounge is Your Law Firm Marketing Command Center

As a law firm investing in online marketing, you deserve to know where your marketing dollars are going and what results can be traced back to your SEO efforts. Custom Legal Marketing has always believed in transparency and giving law firms full access to their data which is why we built the CLM Lounge half a decade ago.

In December of 2017, we retired the old CLM Lounge and moved to a new platform that integrates with multiple services...

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5 ways for lawyers to improve contact form conversion rates

5 ways for lawyers to improve contact form conversion rates

Any firm can pull together a contact form for their website, but is it attracting visitors? Even more important: are these visitors completing the contact form and ending up satisfied with the experience?

An aesthetically pleasing site design does not necessarily equal excellent conversion rates. It is extremely important to make the lead comfortable while navigating the contact form, guiding them towards trust and comfort with the law firm.

So, what are the best ways to increase your conversion rates and...

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Tired of Law Firms Spamming Google Maps? You Can Fight Back

Tired of Law Firms Spamming Google Maps? You Can Fight Back

Any law firm that is putting a lot of effort into their search engine marketing knows how frustrating it can be to see their spammy competitors rank above them in Google Maps. After investing in your website, getting client reviews and cultivating a strong reputation in Google, your listing could get taken over by someone titling their listing “Smith & Smith – Los Angeles Personal Injury Lawyer.”

While there are multiple types of spam from unqualified addresses to multiple listings,...

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Google Drops Location Feature but Your SEO Team Can Still Monitor Your Local Results

Google Drops Location Feature but Your SEO Team Can Still Monitor Your Local Results

Google recently removed a search feature that was a favorite among SEO professionals, but an alternative remains available.

Until recently, Google search users could set a location and view search results as if the user were in that location. This was provided alongside other filters such as date range, which are accessible by clicking on “Search tools” at the top of a results page. SEO professionals used this to understand how results differed for users in various locations. Travelers could...

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