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How to Generate A Steady Stream of Quality Leads and 4 Other Must-Reads

How to Generate A Steady Stream of Quality Leads and 4 Other Must-Reads

This week, we’ve curated some new content from across the web to help you gain the tools you need to dominate your market. With a strong website, advertising strategy, lead pipeline, approach to video, and streamlined rebranding, you can transform and grow your firm. Read these helpful articles to understand what it takes to market your firm, and market it well.

Law Firm Advertising (Lawyerist)

The law firm advertising landscape has evolved drastically over the years, and your law firm needs to consider how successful their advertising methods are now vs. how successful they can be. In the digital landscape, pay-per-click (PPC) and Google Ads can be powerful tools for attracting new leads, but how you enact them is absolutely key. Read this article to learn more about the potential impact of a strong digital advertising campaign. Reach out to us at CLM to find out how we can create the right PPC plan just for you.

Two Major Reasons Why Law Firm Websites Underperform (Lawlytics)

Is your website doing everything to boost your SEO, pull in traffic, and attract the right kinds of clients? If you’re like most law firms, there are areas in your website that are underperforming. When your website isn’t attracting enough clients, or if your website is pulling in potential clients who aren’t contacting you, then your website strategy needs to change. Read on to discover how to address these issues and create a website that actually works.

How To Generate A Healthy Pipeline of Qualified Leads (Clio)

Growing your law firm means having a consistent pipeline of leads who fit your ideal client profile. But how do you turn the trickle of leads into a steady stream? Here are some tips for targeting high quality leads through Google Ads, Facebook Ads, retargeting, and pre-qualifying leads on your site. At CLM, we specialize in bringing you the best leads so that you can focus on winning more cases.

YouTube SEO Mistakes Your Law Firm Needs to Avoid (Bigger Law Firm)

YouTube is one of the best platforms to help your law firm’s SEO, gain new followers and high quality clients. But do you know how to leverage it? When it comes to your YouTube channel, avoid some of these common mistakes that could prevent you from making the most out of this platform.

In Case You Missed it….

How to Rebrand Your Law Firm Without Creating Chaos (CLM)

Rebranding is no walk in the park, but it can certainly be worth it if it’s what your firm needs. If you’re considering a rebrand of your law firm, then you’ll benefit from some guidance that lays out what that process entails. In this article, discover if you’re ready for a rebrand, and if so, how to go about doing it without getting a migraine. The future you will thank you for it.

Cristina Fríes is a MA in English/Creative Writing from UC Davis (2019), and is a legal marketing strategist and content developer for CLM. Her interests include creating compelling marketing content, writing books, and traveling the world.