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How Law Firms Can Leverage Live Webcasts

How Law Firms Can Leverage Live Webcasts

Marketing and advertising are key elements to increase the sales and potential profits of a business. Once businesses figure out who their target audiences, they market to them and create advertisements to make people aware of its products or services and entice them to become a consumer. The modern history of advertising and marketing began with newspaper and magazines. Next, television commercials became an innovative way to see what businesses had to offer in creative way. Today, the internet has made print advertisement almost obsolete and expanded television beyond its traditional way to view it. As the internet evolves, the avenues for internet advertising grows.

One form of internet media that is becoming a very common means for internet marketing is live webcasting. Law firms can make great use of live webcasts because they can broadcast to a wide audience in real time. The live broadcast can be a platform for law firms to showcase their legal knowledge as well as introduce viewers to the attorneys of the firm. Law firms can use the live webcasts as creative and educational platforms. They can also choose to create interactive broadcasts that in which the viewers can engage with the attorneys. For example, questions and answers segments on a live webcast can give law firms leverage because they create a direct connection with the people asking the questions. It is also a live commercial and direct marketing. All of these factors may result in the viewers deciding to hire the law firm.

Chyrra Greene is a content developer for law firms at Custom Legal Marketing.