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The complete marketing spring cleaning checklist

The complete marketing spring cleaning checklist

After a long, long winter, spring is finally here.

Spring is a time of new beginnings – and the start Q2 2014 – making it the perfect opportunity to take a look at old marketing goals and begin brainstorming on new ones. Why hang on to ideas and procedures that no longer work for your firm? Pausing to regroup and introduce fresh approaches can help your firm connect with prospects and build authority. Websites, social profiles and strategies...

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Want to rank high in Bing Local? Try SPAM

We recently looked at the local results for Google, Yahoo!, and Bing in an attempt to find similarities among the results displayed in the search engines' local results.

While Yahoo! and Bing are both powered by the same search engine, the logic behind their local results are very different.

In Yahoo!, a search for a Chicago personal injury lawyer yielded one spammy listing out of five. In Bing for that same search, we found four spammy entries out of five....

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5 Link Building Tips for Lawyers in the Post Penguin Google

Google Penguin NinjaThis year's Penguin updates from Google have changed how many law firms are positioned in the search results. For years, we have identified many cheating law firms that heavily took part in link exchanges, buying paid links, forum spam, blog comment spam, paid posting and other link building tactics that are now yielding useless, if not damaging, links.

The old link building strategy was easy. Get a lot...

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