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The complete marketing spring cleaning checklist

The complete marketing spring cleaning checklist

After a long, long winter, spring is finally here.

Spring is a time of new beginnings – and the start Q2 2014 – making it the perfect opportunity to take a look at old marketing goals and begin brainstorming on new ones. Why hang on to ideas and procedures that no longer work for your firm? Pausing to regroup and introduce fresh approaches can help your firm connect with prospects and build authority. Websites, social profiles and strategies accumulate clutter just as homes and offices do; clearing that clutter can lead to greater productivity and happier clients.

Custom Legal Marketing has put together the following list of suggestions to help you clean up your marketing and face the rest of the year with renewed focus.

1. Check your profiles.
Gather a list of all your firm's profiles, including social, Google + Local, Bing Local and directories like Yelp, Avvo and Nolo. Do you know who is responsible for posting to your social profiles? Do you have accurate login information for each profile?

Once you have basic administrative checks out of the way, review the content of each profile for accuracy and dated information. Examine social statistics to learn what types of posts are generating the most engagement for your firm, and find new ways to incorporate that type of post into future efforts. Evaluate which social profiles are performing well and which are underperforming. Your firm may need to join new networks or leave others behind as the social landscape changes.

2. Google yourself.
You should know what people are saying about your firm online and where it is being said. If you have received negative reviews, respond in a polite and helpful manner. If you have received positive reviews or testimonials, add them to your firm's website. Additionally, you may have been placed in online directories without your knowledge; claim these listings and update all contact information.

3. Update your photography.
People are increasingly using online tools to search for service providers. Even when potential clients receive a referral, they are still doing due diligence through law firm websites and review sites before making a call. Attorney bio pages are some of the most heavily trafficked pages on an attorney website, as people seek information about who to hire. Your photography should be high-resolution, current and consistent across all touch points. Sharp photography increases your firm's professionalism and trustworthiness.

4. Analyze Analytics.
Look at user behavior data to see where the conversion funnel is collapsing and where it works. What pages are most popular? Are visitors taking the actions you want them to take? If not, brainstorm on ways to simplify your navigation and update calls to action.

5. Review content strategy.
Have you been keeping up with your content schedule? If not, you may need to tweak your expectations. If so, think about how you can diversity your content and review topics to ensure they are still aligned with your audience's needs and values.

6. Bring all advertising on-brand.
If your firm has launched a new website, updated its logo or produced a series of TV spots, you should review your other materials to make sure all are still branded consistently. Eliminate outdated assets and update those you still distribute. Consistency is crucial to any marketing efforts.

7. Go mobile.
Mobile search traffic will soon eclipse desktop search traffic. Visitors have come to expect a seamless experience between mobile, tablet, desktop and everything in between. A visitor may start a search on one device and finish on another. Firms must be able to produce an enjoyable experience in person, on a phone and on a laptop. Review your firm's mobile presence, keeping in mind the specific needs of mobile users. Ensure finding information is easy and contacting you is intuitive.

8. Clean your email lists.
Remove contacts with a high bounce rate and review your strategy for collecting new addresses.

9. Catch up with contacts.
Audit your professional and client contacts to ensure you still have accurate information. Have any of your contacts experienced a significant change or life event? Do they have new jobs or new titles? If so, send congratulatory notes to renew the connection.

10. Set new goals.
No spring cleaning would be complete without some thought about new possibilities. Establish measurable goals for user behavior and conversion, content production and social engagement. You must be putting your efforts toward achievable results. Marketing without direction is a waste of time and money.

Kristen Friend
Kristen Friend holds two bachelors degrees from Indiana University and an associates degreee from the International Academy of Design. As Art Director for Custom Legal Marketing, her work has been awarded Webby Honorees, WebAwards, Davey Awards, Muse Awards, W3 Awards, and many others. She is also a contributor to Entrpreneur Magazine through the Entrepreneur Leadership Network.