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How The General Public Can Help You Strengthen Your Content Strategy

How The General Public Can Help You Strengthen Your Content Strategy

With Google’s new Search Console Tool, you have the opportunity to improve the quality of your existing and future content. How? By keeping track of any content that the general public flags as outdated, and by reacting with a strong, well-informed content strategy.

The Search Console tool allows the users to flag content as outdated, giving the website owners the chance to temporarily remove that page while you update the content....

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Is your firm ready for Google's mobile-first index?

Is your firm ready for Google’s mobile-first index?

Google is rolling out a new mobile-first index over the coming months. The official announcement came at the beginning of November on Google's Webmaster Central Blog, although industry insiders have been speculating about the change for over a year. Google says that it is testing the mobile-first index, with the goal of switching to an index that uses the mobile version of a page’s content to serve all results. The process is still in an experimental phase,...

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How law firms can take advantage of evergreen content

How law firms can take advantage of evergreen content

The pressure to constantly produce fresh content is turning many businesses into would-be publishers. Apparel retailers offer tips on clothing fit and accessories. Outdoor outfitters provide resources about backpacking must-haves and publish articles about how to train for specific adventures. Pistachios and Tic Tacs are on Twitter. Online, silence is not an option.

Having a daily article quota may work for journalists, and even big brands, but it is unrealistic for attorneys. Attorneys should play the content marketing game,...

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How to maintain your rankings during a website redesign

How to maintain your rankings during a website redesign

By now, many firms own domains that are more than a decade old. Firms with an established web presence that are embarking on a redesign project must often work to create a new look for a site that already has a search marketing strategy in place. The process of refreshing a website’s layout and structure should not negatively affect the site’s ranking — but it can without proper planning. It is a waste of time, money and effort to...

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Top 9 attorney website must haves

Top 9 attorney website must haves

Your firm's website is working for you day and night, whether you are in or out of the office. It is many people's introduction to your firm and the only interaction they may have with you before deciding whether to call. You must get visitors' attention, and you must get it quickly.

Your website's design should support your firm's overall image and goals, and while each attorney website will be unique to the individual firm's voice and message,...

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The complete marketing spring cleaning checklist

The complete marketing spring cleaning checklist

After a long, long winter, spring is finally here.

Spring is a time of new beginnings – and the start Q2 2014 – making it the perfect opportunity to take a look at old marketing goals and begin brainstorming on new ones. Why hang on to ideas and procedures that no longer work for your firm? Pausing to regroup and introduce fresh approaches can help your firm connect with prospects and build authority. Websites, social profiles and strategies...

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6 ideas for creating compelling, sharable content

6 ideas for creating compelling, sharable content

Producing a consistent stream of content for your website, social media profiles, marketing materials and blog is a necessary but sometimes arduous task. When you create a schedule for posting new content, be realistic about how much time you and your associates have to spend on writing and commenting. Aim to post something at least once a week, but do not over schedule. Writing three social media posts and two blog entries every week sounds wonderful, but only if...

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