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Here's How Your Content Marketing Can Stand Out, and Other Must-Reads

Here’s How Your Content Marketing Can Stand Out, and Other Must-Reads

Better Business Relationships Start with Better Content Marketing

"For the legal industry, content is not new. Lawyers have been writing articles since long before the internet was popular...that’s all content, and if you’re doing that, you’re already a content writer."

Currently, law firms are embracing new forms of content such as podcasts and video to get their message out. But if you want to improve your content as time goes on, this article address two...

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Brace Yourself. Google Broad Core Algorithm Update is Rolling out Today

Brace Yourself. Google Broad Core Algorithm Update is Rolling out Today

Google releases updates on a daily basis but a few times a year, they do a broad core update. The June Core Update was followed by a lot of ranking turbulence and a crackdown on Google My Business term violations. But ultimately, most of CLM's law firms saw their organic positions improve after the dust settled.

Google announced the algorithm update today on Twitter: