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Here's How Your Content Marketing Can Stand Out, and Other Must-Reads

Here’s How Your Content Marketing Can Stand Out, and Other Must-Reads

Better Business Relationships Start with Better Content Marketing

"For the legal industry, content is not new. Lawyers have been writing articles since long before the internet was popular...that’s all content, and if you’re doing that, you’re already a content writer."

Currently, law firms are embracing new forms of content such as podcasts and video to get their message out. But if you want to improve your content as time goes on, this article address two common problems that occur in legal content marketing.

Google 2020 Core Update Is Now Fully Rolled Out (Search Engine Land)

"Google has confirmed minutes ago that the December 2020 broad core update that began rolling out on December 3, 2020 is now completely rolled out."

The Complete Guide to Growing a Law Firm (Clio)

"The question “how to grow a law firm” is a common one, and it’s no wonder—running a law firm is tough, and growing a law firm is even tougher, especially today." This article breaks down several growth strategies you may want to consider when upscaling your law firm.

How to Implement Accountability in a Law Firm (Lawyerist)

"Every lawyer’s ultimate accountability is to clients. However, many lawyers are also accountable for meeting business goals—regardless of whether they are solo or work for a large firm." Maintaining accountability is intertwined with firm culture, which is constantly growing and evolving. This article offers advice on how you can create a firm culture that promotes and maintains accountability.

How Data Analysis is Disrupting the Legal Industry (Bigger Law Firm)

"Data analysis is rapidly taking hold in many industries as a way to make more objective measurements and gain valuable insight into the true nature of human-driven systems." In the age of technology, analyzing and optimizing data has many benefits for law firms.

In case you missed it:

How Lawyers are using Google Web Stories

How Law Firms Are Using Google Web Stories

Google Web Stories is a new media format where you create immersive mobile-friendly pages using the AMP framework. Here's how law firms can take advantage of this feature, along with examples of web stories done by law firms.

Jessylyn Los Banos is a content developer for law firms at Custom Legal Marketing.