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Google webmaster help: Write content that is clear and understandable

Google webmaster help: Write content that is clear and understandable

In a webmaster help video published at the end of February, Google's Matt Cutts was asked this question:

Should I write content that is easier to read or more scientific? Will I rank better if I write for 6th graders?
- Ben Holland, Phoenix, AZ

Cutts said he struggled with this question and that it took him more time than usual to formulate an answer. Ultimately, he said he came to the conclusion that, “The clarity of what you write...

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Google tweaks Authorship algorithm to display fewer author results

Google tweaks Authorship algorithm to display fewer author results

Google's Matt Cutts indicated last fall that Google would be reducing the rate at which authorship appears in search results in an effort to combat spam. In his keynote address at Pubcon Las Vegas, Cutts said that eliminating roughly 15 percent of the lower-quality authors could significantly increase the number of high-quality authors who are able to appear in results.

Until December's update, Google displayed all authorship information in results whenever it was available. If you linked your site to...

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