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Here's How To Thrive As A New Lawyer, and Other Must-Reads

Here’s How To Thrive As A New Lawyer, and Other Must-Reads

Advice for New Lawyers: How to Survive and Thrive (Clio)

Starting a law career in 2020 definitely has its challenges. Despite this, lawyer Willie Peacock, imparts some wisdom for the new up-and-coming lawyers. "Know that you will not just be okay—you will thrive because you have what it takes to help reinvent this industry."

Five Tips For Implementing Your Firm’s Well-Being Initiative (Law Practice Today)

Studies have shown the positive...

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Link building for law firms: tips for creating linkable content

Link building for law firms: tips for creating linkable content

Link building is still a valid and essential marketing tool, despite the bad reputation it has earned over the past several years. Although cries of "link building is dead" have rung out across the SEO community since the first Penguin update in 2012, links, and therefore the need for link building, are still very much alive. According to Moz's Search Engine Ranking Factors 2015 report, domain level link features and page level link features place first and...

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How to use infographics to build links and authority

How to use infographics to build links and authority

A strong, natural link portfolio is a key element of an organic SEO plan. While link-building outreach can be difficult and time consuming, it becomes easier with the right content. Visual content, like infographics, can help. Infographics are a good way to build interest in a topic or industry that may have difficulty attracting an audience naturally.

Advantages of infographics

Stories told visually are both memorable and easily sharable. Approximately 65 percent of all people are...

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Content marketing: 4 tips for creating compelling, sharable infographics

Content marketing: 4 tips for creating compelling, sharable infographics

Content marketing is not a new idea, but the growing ease of online media distribution has prompted a surge in the number of businesses wishing to take advantage of the trend. Content marketing is the process through which a business uses information to build brand awareness and trust. By providing helpful facts to an interested audience, the business becomes a thought leader and a resource for consumers.

Branded recipe books are an example of offline content marketing with which...

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LinkedIn releases list of top overused profile buzzwords

wirtingWith the new year approaching, LinkedIn has released their list of 2012's top ten overused profile buzzwords. And they have created a helpful infographic to spread the news. Although the professional network added over 50 million new members this year, “creative” once again topped the list of words most frequently seen in profile descriptions. LinkedIn breaks down profile statistics for the United States and worldwide, and the word...

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