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Attorney marketing and the death of the desktop

Attorney marketing and the death of the desktop

Google any variation of the phrase "the desktop is dead," and you will be presented with millions of results — some of them published this year, some with publish dates as old as 2000. Clearly, the desktop has been dying for a long time.

In the face of such dire predictions, the rush to focus all marketing on mobile is understandable. Mobile is hot. Mobile searches continue to increase. Voice search is becoming more popular. All of these phenomenon...

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To Keep or not to Keep: Google Launches Note Taking App

google keepEarlier this week, Google officially launched Keep, a new Android-based note taking app. Keep addresses a substantial absence within the operating system – the lack of a native notepad or similar notes application. The interface is very simple and is designed to make it easy to make lists, snatch pictures, record thoughts (with voice) or type notes.

Reviews are mixed, with some questioning whether...

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Optimize your mobile landing pages with best practices for conversion

mobile landingFor attorneys, mobile websites are becoming a requirement rather than a fancy add-on. Mobile devices are ubiquitous. People are increasingly opting to search with mobile devices in their homes and offices even when a desktop or laptop computer is available. Google estimates that by 2014, more people will be accessing the Internet with a mobile device then with a PC.

Although the percentage of traffic your firm receives...

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