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Raising Your Law Firm's Brand With YouTube Audio Ads, and Other Must-Reads

Raising Your Law Firm’s Brand With YouTube Audio Ads, and Other Must-Reads

How to Get Started With YouTube Audio Ads (Search Engine Land)

“YouTube audio ads are a refreshing new ad type designed to serve brand awareness and reach goals with audio content on the video platform.” As of November 2020, audio ads have remained in a global open beta. For law firms looking to further their outreach online, audio ads may be worth the consideration to engage music and podcast listeners.

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How To Create A Podcast Without Boring Your Listeners To Death

How To Create A Podcast Without Boring Your Listeners To Death

Creating a podcast might be the next thing on your digital marketing to-do list, but have you considered the strategies you’ll need to find and keep an audience engaged? A podcast should be more than just another piece of your law firm’s marketing strategy. You have to attract listeners and keep your audience coming back for more. Here are some tips for how to launch your own successful podcast to boost your exposure, reach new...

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Is Spotify A Missed Advertising Opportunity For Lawyers?

Is Spotify A Missed Advertising Opportunity For Lawyers?

Records, cassettes, CDs, mp3 – this is the evolution of portable recordings. Now that we are in the streaming era of digital media, new ways have emerged for you listen to music, books, and shows wherever you go. One company that provides streaming digital media is Spotify.

Spotify is a streaming service that provides access content from entertainers and other professionals all over the world. At the basic...

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5 tips for writing effective practice area page content

5 tips for writing effective practice area page content

Your practice area pages have a lot of heavy lifting to do. A practice area page may be the first and only page a visitor sees on your website. It should be informative, interesting and speak to the concerns of your potential clients. It should hold readers' attention. And a good practice area page should also convert readers into leads and clients.

Know the purpose of your practice area pages

Practice area pages do more than just tell visitors what...

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How law firms can take advantage of evergreen content

How law firms can take advantage of evergreen content

The pressure to constantly produce fresh content is turning many businesses into would-be publishers. Apparel retailers offer tips on clothing fit and accessories. Outdoor outfitters provide resources about backpacking must-haves and publish articles about how to train for specific adventures. Pistachios and Tic Tacs are on Twitter. Online, silence is not an option.

Having a daily article quota may work for journalists, and even big brands, but it is unrealistic for attorneys. Attorneys should play the content marketing game,...

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How to use geotargeting to get your message to the right people

How to use geotargeting to get your message to the right people

Nationwide marketing campaigns are neither attainable nor necessary for most firms. The cost is high, and the ads will reach relatively few people who can actually take advantage of the firm's services. Instead, only people in specific areas and jurisdictions need to be exposed to marketing messages. With geotargeting, it is possible to reach very precise groups of people based on location.

Geotargeting is the practice of using information about an individual's location to deliver relevant content,...

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Google+ and How it Increases Your Legal Marketing Success – Podcast

As search becomes more social, it is important for law firms to understand how Google+ can help your firm increase its search engine rankings and build a bigger network of future clients and connections. This podcast discusses the +1 button feature and how it helps raise the online profile of your firm.

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Does Your Law Firm’s Website Really Work?

Many law firms see their website as a necessary expense whether it is just there to service existing clients or bring in new accounts. A law firm's website is necessary. But it should be an asset, not an expense.

Online marketing is unlike any other form of marketing. Television, print, Yellow Pages, radio, they all come down to one thing – getting someone to call your firm. You show the ad, hope that it reaches the right person, and...

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