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How The General Public Can Help You Strengthen Your Content Strategy

How The General Public Can Help You Strengthen Your Content Strategy

With Google’s new Search Console Tool, you have the opportunity to improve the quality of your existing and future content. How? By keeping track of any content that the general public flags as outdated, and by reacting with a strong, well-informed content strategy.

The Search Console tool allows the users to flag content as outdated, giving the website owners the chance to temporarily remove that page while you update the content....

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5 Legal Marketing Stories - 2/12/20

5 Legal Marketing Stories – 2/12/20

This week, we’ve found some articles on the legal marketing pipeline that are too good not to share. Find out about how to generate unique content, successful videos, and more in these articles from around the web.

How to Turn General Website Content into Unique Content for Your Law Firm (LawLytics)

Google favors unique website content because users favor unique content. But you have so much general content, and you’re struggling to figure out Read More