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Attorney marketing and the death of the desktop

Attorney marketing and the death of the desktop

Google any variation of the phrase "the desktop is dead," and you will be presented with millions of results — some of them published this year, some with publish dates as old as 2000. Clearly, the desktop has been dying for a long time.

In the face of such dire predictions, the rush to focus all marketing on mobile is understandable. Mobile is hot. Mobile searches continue to increase. Voice search is becoming more popular. All of these phenomenon...

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Google Wants Clear, Comprehensible Content

law firm taglineQuality standards are definitely a large part of a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. So, what do you do to boost the quality of technical or speciality legal content? It can be a struggle to aim your writing well. With more complex topics, should you target a higher reading and comprehension level or handle only ideas so that anyone can follow?

If content is too complex, most readers click...

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Changes to Search Algorithms are Constant. Don’t Panic.

panicRecent changes to Google's guidelines coupled with statements from Matt Cutts, the head of Google's Webspam team, that disparage the usefulness of press releases have made many firms nervous about their rankings and the future of their search marketing efforts. Just as everyone is adapting to summertime Penguin updates, additional modifications are forcing marketers to once again reconsider what the best strategies are for their clients.

Rule number one when facing...

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Prevent SEO mishaps during website design projects

twoplustwoSome website design projects offer a chance to create a new site entirely from scratch. Perhaps a firm is just starting out with a new url, or maybe it has a relatively young or neglected website that is nowhere to be seen in search engine results. This gives designers and developers the chance to flesh out an information architecture, design and SEO strategy with what is basically a...

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Create Results with Your Law Firm Blog

bloggingWe have written often about how blogging can drive traffic to your law firm website. A good blog can help you generate more leads and more cases. But like all law firm marketing related efforts, blogging must be done with a purpose. Blog entries that do not address client needs or speak to the right audience may not produce the best results.

If you want to take advantage...

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The Steady SEO Strategy Wins Results for Lawyers

clientsfeeling1 At the start of an SEO strategy is when many law firms may be wondering if they made the right choice. Did they pick the right law firm marketing company? Did they select the appropriate plan? A couple of months go by, things are slow to improve and they get worried.

Search engine optimization is not like advertising. An honest SEO consultant cannot come to you and say,...

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