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5 ways to use storytelling to enhance website effectiveness

5 ways to use storytelling to enhance website effectiveness

Storytelling is integral to branding, marketing and design. Stories are compelling, and they move people to act in a way that raw data cannot.

The psychology of stories

Marketers have long made the claim that every brand needs a good story. And a growing body of scientific evidence now supports this assertion. According to psychologists Melanie Green and Tim Brock, reading fictional stories changes the way humans process information. The more absorbed people are in a story, the...

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5 tips for creating effective law firm video ads

5 tips for creating effective law firm video ads

Google began testing promoted video ads within its search results in late August, according to industry insiders. For now, Google is declining to comment about details, such as when video ads may come fully online and how they would be formatted within the page. However, the incorporation of video ads into Google's suite of services is a natural progression as search continues to evolve away from plain text links and toward a more immersive multimedia experience.

Google's move is...

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Increase reach and authority by telling a good brand story

Increase reach and authority by telling a good brand story

The practice of building relationships is not new to law firms. Networking and word of mouth referrals have long been important parts of practice development. Technology continues to add new dimensions to the ways in which professionals connect with colleagues and clients, but the underlying need to communicate and develop meaningful associations has not changed. Relationship-building requires and ability to listen, understand your audience, share useful information and provide a positive experience in person and online. Relationship-building is brand...

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