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Google's Newest Target is Your Law Firm's Domain Name

Google’s Newest Target is Your Law Firm’s Domain Name

Recently, Google announced another algorithm change in their efforts to stop web spam. The newest change has nothing to do with your links and little to do with content. This time, Google is targeting your law firm's domain name.

The goal with the newest change is to target low-quality “exact match” domain names. For most law firms, this change may actually help their rankings.

Over the past decade, spammers in all industries (not just law) have been picking up domain...

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Bring Clients Back to Your Law Firm’s Website with Remarketing

remarketing for law firmsLawyers spend millions of dollars each year to get their name out to the public and bring in new clients. Some law firms spend hundreds of thousands of dollars each year to drive potential clients to their website. What happens after someone visits the firm's site, but doesn't take the next step and call or contact the attorney?

Remarketing is a pay-per-click service that can compliment your natural Read More

5 Link Building Tips for Lawyers in the Post Penguin Google

Google Penguin NinjaThis year's Penguin updates from Google have changed how many law firms are positioned in the search results. For years, we have identified many cheating law firms that heavily took part in link exchanges, buying paid links, forum spam, blog comment spam, paid posting and other link building tactics that are now yielding useless, if not damaging, links.

The old link building strategy was easy. Get a lot...

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How TV Ads and SEO Work Together for Your Firm

tv ads law firms seoA lot of law firms use television ads to increase awareness and get leads. But some lawyers who closely monitor their lead sources have seen their search engine optimization efforts improve the conversion rate of their television advertisements.

Many elements go into a successful SEO campaign. From local profiles, videos and news releases to publishing content on third party authoritative websites to onsite work that makes the law firm's...

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