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5 Legal Marketing Stories - 2/12/20

5 Legal Marketing Stories – 2/12/20

This week, we’ve found some articles on the legal marketing pipeline that are too good not to share. Find out about how to generate unique content, successful videos, and more in these articles from around the web.

How to Turn General Website Content into Unique Content for Your Law Firm (LawLytics)

Google favors unique website content because users favor unique content. But you have so much general content, and you’re struggling to figure out Read More

Google Shuts the Door on Doorway Pages

youtube one channelThere has been speculation for a number of years that Google would have to include mobile factors when it ranks websites/pages. While not a surprise, the actual implementation of mobile factors is bound to have a large effect on many sites, including law firm websites. If you do not have a mobile-friendly website, this could cost you points in terms of how your law firm ranks on mobile Google...

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Six tips for building your blog readership

growplantLawyers blog for a variety of reasons, marketing often being chief among them. Blogging and other online social activity can be both rewarding and frustrating. Every regular blogger has wondered if there is really anyone out there reading their tips and insights. For your professional advancement (and peace of mind), it is good to know that your blog readership is growing. More readers mean...

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Google Announces Tool to Repair Your Firm’s Search Engine Credibility

Google's recent Penguin update targeted websites that had links pointing from sketchy internet neighborhoods. Does your law firm have a link which points traffic to it from a website advertising paid links? Is it in a directory that you can only get listed in by exchanging a link or paying a fee? Those links now work against your law firm's ranking in Google.

As news about Penguin's targeting spread, some website owners cried foul, claiming that not all websites linking...

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Your Law Firm Needs Unique Ideas, Not Just Unique Content

unique ideas not just contentThere is a strong call for content volume if you want your law firm's website to be easily found via Google. From onsite content such as blogs, social network content, and marketing literature including ebooks, press releases, and articles, the demand for a lot of content can be overwhelming.

Prepare to be over-overwhelmed.

Unique content is not the only element to worry about. Google can also identify similar topics within unique...

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Your Firm Can Use Social Media to Build Authority and Valuable Links

seoMuch has been written about using social media to build a community, engage with potential clients and establish expertise. But what about the SEO benefits your firm can gain from a social media marketing strategy?

The potential value of social media activity for a firm’s own SEO efforts is often underrated. The two do not exist in a vacuum – social media, blogging and website optimization must all...

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5 Link Building Tips for Lawyers in the Post Penguin Google

Google Penguin NinjaThis year's Penguin updates from Google have changed how many law firms are positioned in the search results. For years, we have identified many cheating law firms that heavily took part in link exchanges, buying paid links, forum spam, blog comment spam, paid posting and other link building tactics that are now yielding useless, if not damaging, links.

The old link building strategy was easy. Get a lot...

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