Why Lawyers Should Serve As Poll Workers This Election, and Other Must-Reads

Why Lawyers Should Serve As Poll Workers This Election, and Other Must-Reads

Lawyers Encouraged To Sign Up As Poll Workers

As elections in the United States draws closer, the American Bar Association is encouraging lawyers to assist with poll working. “With the added obstacle of a pandemic this year, finding people who are at lower risk to assist as poll workers is even more important. This is an opportunity for lawyers, and soon-to-be lawyers, to step up and serve.”

Voice SEO:...

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How to Optimize Your Law Firm’s Mobile Website for Voice Search

How to Optimize Your Law Firm’s Mobile Website for Voice Search

Voice searches have steadily increased over the past ten years since smartphones were first capable of speech recognition technology with Google’s voice search app for iPhone. This increase has expanded to the point where, according to a survey by BrightLocal, more than half of consumers have used voice search to find a local business in 2018. For most law firms that do not operate on...Read More

How Law Firms Can Use Machine Learning in Search to Their Advantage

How Law Firms Can Use Machine Learning in Search to Their Advantage

Machine learning was first conceived in 1959 as a step towards artificial intelligence. Machine learning is the practice of giving algorithms enough data so that eventually they can solve problems on their own, without the help of a developer programming the solution into them.

Many tech companies today implement machine learning as a way to streamline efficiency and improve user experience. Once an algorithm is capable of figuring out processes on its own, companies could then divert attention to other...

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